Period 2016/2017
Business Process
Products to customer has to be shipped from global hub; not from local warehouse anymore. This is required for 3 sales affiliates.
The global hub is managed in a different ERP system; not the same as the sales system.
Switch from local to virtual stock; this is needed to post COGS correctly and to have a clear processing for partial deliveries and batch handling.
Adjust customizing for the affiliates to allow procurement from sales.
Adjust material master for the item category determination and the ATP/stock
Adjust printouts / outputs (proxy/files) to have the correct information on the
Provide an interface, which pushes the relation of the real delivery (Hub) and the virtual delivery (affiliate) to the parcel shipping/tracking sytem (legal requirement from one affiliate)
Provide a webservice to automize the proof of delivery
My Role
SD-part and the developments in the affiliate system
It-Coordination in the affiliate system
Unit testing
Test & goLive support